Friday, December 23, 2011

Happy Holidays Everyone!

Well, winter has officially arrived with the passing of the solstice, and with all the snow, all of the lights and all of the cheer, holiday season is in full force. From all of us here at Peakwaggers, we hope you have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy Hanukkah. We'll see you in the New Year!

Friday, December 9, 2011

A New Review, Just in Time for the Holidays!

With Christmas and Hanukkah are right around the corner, there is no better time than now for us to get a new, awesome review from our friends at Mountain Weekly News in Colorado. Trying the majority of our products, the reviewer's dog, Char (a 14-month-old Pointer), gave all of our jerky snacks and trail meals two big paws up.

The review even claims that we could easily change our label and market the jerky to humans (it is human grade and pretty darn tasty). Coincidentally, we actually sold a few packages of jerky to a couple ladies at the OR show last August who wanted some snacks for the long ride home from Utah. Go figure!

Thanks for the great review guys! We definitely appreciate!

Click here to read the review!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Skijoring with the Pooch

Besides snow, winter brings a bit of a hiccup to anyone's outdoor, dog-exercising agenda. While summer is packed with hiking and camping trips, cold temperatures and sparse daylight seem to put a damper on outside plans with the pooch. And while backcountry skiing, snowboarding and snowshoeing are three great options to give those peakwaggers a little fresh air and exercise, those who live away from the mountains have to get a bit more creative. That's where skijoring comes into play.

Since a dog, as we all know, naturally pulls on its leash when going for a walk, skijoring essentially takes that concept and applies it to cross-country skiing. By tying a dog (or two) to a harness, you can get a little cross-country skiing in while giving your dogs a few hours of exercise. And although the sport traditionally utilizes a Nordic center or cross-country skiing course, any large park, high school track or football field can be used, provided that it's covered by a good layer of snow.

So, for dog owners looking to mix up the usual running or walking routine, check out skijoring. We've tried it, and it's tons of fun. Just make sure your dog runs in a straight line; it's pretty easy to topple over if your pooch suddenly takes off.

(Photo courtesy of

Friday, November 18, 2011

Holiday Shopping for Pets

With Thanksgiving right around the corner and Christmas fast approaching, holiday shopping season has officially arrived. Coinciding with that, of course, is Black Friday and Cyber Monday, two of the biggest shopping days of the year. And while most gifts will be purchased for family and friends, a majority of pet-owning Americans will spend an average of $46 on their four-legged companions, according to an Associated Press poll.

While pet present giving may seem a bit extreme, the recent poll demonstrates that the dog has evolved from being man's best friend to a key member of the household. In some cases, dogs will receive more than one present, making out better than some human members of the family. In fact, some pet owners will actually purchase gifts on behalf of their dogs! Besides, who wouldn't want a new Christmas sweater from Fido?

The poll reveals that food and treats will be what most consumers purchase for their pets. So, if you happen to be on the hunt for something for your four-legged companion, make sure to visit one of our online retail stores. Most of them have already begun their holiday discounts, and we guarantee your pooch will love our Peakwaggers jerky snacks and trail food.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Avalanche Rescue Dogs: True Peakwaggers

While we ran our "Is Your Dog a Peakwagger" contest, we received a photo from Damian Hancock, whose avalanche rescue dog, Jack, was taking a much needed rest after digging people out of the snow. Though the photo (a great one, seen above) was not selected as a winner, we feel that it, as well as avalanche dogs in general, deserved a little recognition.

As far as Peakwaggers go, avalanche rescue dogs lead the pack. They train hard, play hard and are essentially on call 24-7 (especially in avalanche prone areas during the winter.) If they are lucky, they, as well as their trained handlers, will never be called into the field to rescue a skier or snowboarder from a potential, life-threatening situation. And if they are really, really lucky, they are part of the Ruff Wear ambassador program, sporting super cool harnesses as members of the Aspen, Mammoth and Mt Bachelor rescue teams.

Either way, with winter starting and the snow beginning to pile up (at least here in Nederland, CO), we wanted to show our appreciation for all the rescue dogs and their handlers who help save lives. Hopefully, in the near future, we'll be able to provide them with our jerky snacks and trail food, helping to keep them energized while they rescue people in the backcountry.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Let it Snow, Let it Snow

Well, we think it's safe to say that winter has officially arrived. The temperatures have begun dropping, the sun sets earlier and mother nature delivered a fresh batch of fluffy powder at the foot of our headquarters in Nederland, Colorado.

Sure, we love winter and all of the skiing and snowshoeing that comes with it, but there's always an aura of loss as the days get shorter and extra layers are required outdoors. Our Berners, on the other hand, couldn't be happier.

Of course, they love hiking, camping and all other fun, summer activities. When it comes to winter, however, our Peakwagger clan couldn't be more in their element, prancing around in a foot-or-so of snow. I guess there's no surprise there, since they are Bernese Mountain Dogs.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Weiner Dogs Review Our Food!

Out of all of the things we love, our dogs are right there at the top. Heck, we wouldn't have started Peakwaggers if it wasn't for our large, active Berner clan. But right after our furry friends, coming in at a close second, is feedback and criticism. We constantly strive for improvement!

Saying that, we'd like to thank AdventureJess at (love the name, by the way), for taking the time to trek with her pooches, Chester and Gretel, and put our trail food to the test. You can check out the full review here.

Although we received raving reviews on flavor and taste, according to her dogs, we received mixed reviews in a few other categories, such as the time it takes to rehydrate the food (about 10-15 minutes, depending on the water's temperature), as well as the size of dog that one meal package can feed (between 60lbs - 110lbs, based on the size of our product testers - the Berner clan).

Lastly, we would like to apologize to AdventureJess for making it seem as if we did not take her feedback seriously pertaining to making smaller meal packages for small hiking dogs. We'd love to offer different sizes in the future, but are unable to do that for the time being.

Either way, we truly appreciate the feedback that we received and love that those weiner dogs devoured Mountain Mutt's Sweet Potato Pie. Thanks again for the review!

Friday, October 14, 2011

More to the Story than We Thought!

We received a ton of photos over the three months that we held the "Is Your Dog a Peakwagger?" contest. Although each one told a very compelling story (a picture truly is worth 1,000 words), the winner's photos were the only ones that we actually delved into. And over this last week, we learned that the second winner to the contest - Tripawds (pictured above) - had one hell of a tale.

When we originally published the story, we only had the photo to go on, due to difficulties getting in touch with the dog's owner. After finally making contact, however, we were sent an email full of the life story of Guthrie (the dog's actual name).

After being hit by a car on an Orlando, FL freeway, having a leg amputated and being given a 50% chance of survival, Guthrie was adopted by the Rich family. Funny enough, Amanda Pants Rich (who submitted the winning photo) claims that she learned of Guthrie's case from a friend who had witnessed the car accident and had posted photos of the dog on Facebook, trying to help him find a home. Since recovering, Guthrie has proven that three legs work just as well as four, conquering mountains, hiking trails and going for the occasional swim.

Thanks again to the Rich family for the submission (the photo was taken at St. George Park in Florida), and happy trails to Guthrie, a.k.a. Tripawds, who proves that any dog can be a true Peakwagger!

Friday, October 7, 2011

The Third and Final Winner is: Keegan!

Well, the last month of the "Is Your Dog a Peakwagger?" contest has come and gone, and although we've seen tons of photos of your pooches in action, conquering peaks and playing in the outdoors, there can only be one winner. Drum roll please.

The third and final winner of our contest is: Keegan!

This awesome photo of the Border Collie/Shetland Sheep dog was taken by Dale Smith, Keegan's owner, in Mark Twain National Forest. Turns out mother nature added an extra extreme factor to the duo's backpacking trip, leaving them with 13 inches of snow to trek through.

As a true peakwagger, 10-year-old Keegan simply loves the outdoors. In fact, Keegan was one of the first pooches to test our products in the field, giving our meals two paws up. Congratulations Keegan!

Lastly, a big congrats to Jeanne Garcia and her dog, Bear. You are this month's runner up and will receive some of our jerky snacks. Seems we like photos of diving dogs as much as mountain climbing dogs. Who knew?

Friday, September 30, 2011

Get Out! The Colors are Spectacular

With fall in full force and the leaves changing all over, now is without a doubt the best time to get out on a last hike, trek or exploration with your pooches. The mountain tops throughout Colorado, especially on Rabbit Ears Pass, just outside of Steamboat Springs (where this photo was taken), appear to be bursting in flames, with all the yellows, oranges and reds consuming the trees.

Granted, every autumn brings with it the same array of color before the frigid, snowy days of winter arrive. But this one in particular seems more vivid than previous. So, go take advantage of these final, tranquil and colorful days while they're still here. It's unbelievable outside!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Fall is Coming Fast!

We don't know about you, but here in Colorado fall is approaching faster than we'd like. Sure, we had an epic summer hiking, mountain biking and peak wagging with our favorite pooches, but hopes of an Indian Summer seem to be dwindling. Some of the nearby peaks already have a dusting of snow, and the leaves have already started changing colors!

So, as way a way to say sayonara to a great summer season, we headed up to Heart Lake with a few of the Bernese clan for one final, sunny day hike. Sporting their new Granite Gear packs, the dogs definitely appreciated the exercise, as well as a nice swim in the frigid lake.

Hopefully you had as good a summer as we did! Happy trails everybody!

Friday, September 9, 2011

And the Second Winner is: Tripawds!

Month 2 of 3 has passed for the "Is Your Dog a Peakwagger?" contest, and the winner is: Tripawds (if that is the pooch's real name).

Although we have yet to hear from Amanda Pants Rich, the dog's owner, it seems that her photo submission says it all. Tripawds loves camping, loves the outdoors and can wear a backpack all while sporting just three legs. Now that's an impressive peak-wagging canine!

For those who did not win, there is still one more month of the contest! So like our Facebook Page and submit those photos to win some fabulous Peakwaggers prizes.

Lastly, congratulations to our runner up, Bentley, from Ski Haus Steamboat. Now that dog can fly!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Goodbye to a True Peakwagger

In March, we lost one of our true, original peakwaggers: Sumo. Besides being the company's mascot as well as one of the biggest Bernese Mountain Dogs we'd ever seen, Sumo was by far one of the kindest and sweetest dogs around. We constantly received questions about his whereabouts at last month's OR Show, since he had made such a huge impression the year prior, at our first show.

So, as a way to say goodbye and "pass the Peakwaggers' torch," so to speak, we headed up to Bob and Betty Lake, in the Indian Peaks Wilderness, to scatter Sumo's ashes. With Momo - our new mascot - carrying the remains, we finally laid to rest one of the best dogs we'd ever known at one of his favorite places on Earth.

It is true what they say, that dog is man's best friend. Sumo, however, was definitely something more.

Friday, August 26, 2011

A Q&A with Deb Lynn Foote

Besides a Peakwaggers Facebook fan, Deb Lynn Foote has been the director of the Animal Emergency Management Program of Colorado for the last two years. We were lucky to speak with her for a few minutes about animal evacuation and how dog owners can be more prepared.

What are some of the challenges to rescuing animals during a natural disaster?

"In both the evacuation and the sheltering you are dealing with animals that have an additional level of stress. They can be more challenging, more fearful and some can become more aggressive. You don't know anything about the animals you are dealing with...its very complex."

What was the worst disaster you've seen with regards to animal rescue?

"I didn't see it, but I would say that the most challenging one was after the Windsor tornado up in Weld County a couple years ago. That was really challenging because you were dealing with animals that were injured or were loose because their homes were destroyed. It made it really difficult for the rescuers, too, because the structures that they were dealing with were compromised."

What recommendations can you give dog owners so that they can ensure their pet's safety during a disaster?

"The biggest thing is preparedness, that they evacuate their dogs or they arrange for their neighbors to do it. Sometimes with wildfires, for example, evacuation notices come up quickly and people may not be at home and able to evacuate their dog. All of my neighbors know to grab mine if I am not at home. Hurricanes, on the contrary, are easier because you have plenty of notice. The key is to not leave them behind."

For more information on pet evacuation and ensuring the safety of your dog during a natural disaster, click here.

(Photo courtesy of Deb Lynn Foote)

Friday, August 19, 2011

The Momentum Keeps Going!

It has only been two weeks since the OR show, but man have things been moving here at the Peakwaggers headquarters!

We've been slammed filling orders and receiving orders, as well as contacting retailers from the show to have them carry our products. This last show - our second ever - went above and beyond our expectations; we're busier than we had anticipated!

Now, you can find Peakwaggers products carried in three new outlets: Bud Lilly's Trout Shop in West Yellowstone, MT, The Spotted Dog in Salt Lake City, UT, and The Gear House, an online store. Not to mention, we got another awesome write up from our friends at, who gave props to D-FA Dogs (awesome company) as well.

The momentum just keeps on going! We can't wait!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Our First Winner: Arabella!

The first month of our "Is Your Dog a Peakwagger?" Facebook contest has come and gone, and the winner is Arabella Brown!

According to her owner, Silka, Arabella's favorite activity - besides peak bagging (wagging) - is swimming. Of course, Devil's Kettle Falls in Judge C.R. Magney State Park, where the photo was taken, was raging a bit too much for her liking.

Congratulations Arabella! You are our first honorary Peak Wagger!

For those who did not win, do not fret because there are still two more months of the contest. So, tell your friends, like our Facebook page and submit those photos!

Friday, August 5, 2011

PeakWaggers at the OR Show

It has only been one day at the OR show and things have been going quite well. We've already received several orders, have spoken to numerous retail outlets throughout the nation and have been approached by a few different sales reps. In a nutshell, PeakWaggers is growing and expanding throughout the nation.

The best part about the show, however, is the company/booth camaraderie. Last year, our location at the show was in a random spot, next to companies that make survival/first aid kits and do-it-yourself beer brewing kits (Mitch at Mr. Beer is awesome!). This year, we are located right next to Zuke's dog treats, and right behind Stunt Puppy and D-fa Dogs. Due to this, we've all been talking each other up to anyone who stops by, encouraging them to check out the other dog-related booths and thus, help grow the outdoor dog industry. It has been a great time.

Plus, with Momo as our mascot, people can't seem to pass our booth without petting her and grabbing a free sample of our jerky. Especially since she sits down in the middle of the walkway.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

2 Articles Coming at Ya!

Wow, the last week has been crazy here at PeakWaggers. Combined with the launch of our new, Facebook marketing campaign, which has already received tons of photos, we were also written up in two publications: the Summit Sojourner and the

Check out the links to both here below, like our Facebook page and let us know what you think! Oh, and don't forget to upload photos of your canine in action, climbing peaks and conquering trails. We'll announce our first winner to our "Is Your Dog a Peak Wagger" contest in a few weeks.

Summit Sojourner Article Article

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Is Your Dog a Peak Wagger?

That is the question we want you to answer!

Since PeakWaggers trail food and jerky are designed for none other than our four-legged companions, we want to see them in action. Beginning today, we've launched our "Is Your Dog a Peak Wagger?" Facebook campaign. Visit and like our page, upload pictures of your pooch conquering the outdoors and let us know why he or she is the ultimate peak wagger. The top submissions will be highlighted on our Facebook page, our blog and will receive free PeakWaggers products.

Happy trails!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

We have done it again!

PeakWaggers has just received rave reviews from Let's keep the great publicity going!!!!

Friday, April 15, 2011

PeakWaggers gets rave reviews again!

PeakWaggers has just received rave reviews again. This time the review is in the current issue of "Wend" Magazine, an outdoor adventure publication.