Friday, December 23, 2011

Happy Holidays Everyone!

Well, winter has officially arrived with the passing of the solstice, and with all the snow, all of the lights and all of the cheer, holiday season is in full force. From all of us here at Peakwaggers, we hope you have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy Hanukkah. We'll see you in the New Year!

Friday, December 9, 2011

A New Review, Just in Time for the Holidays!

With Christmas and Hanukkah are right around the corner, there is no better time than now for us to get a new, awesome review from our friends at Mountain Weekly News in Colorado. Trying the majority of our products, the reviewer's dog, Char (a 14-month-old Pointer), gave all of our jerky snacks and trail meals two big paws up.

The review even claims that we could easily change our label and market the jerky to humans (it is human grade and pretty darn tasty). Coincidentally, we actually sold a few packages of jerky to a couple ladies at the OR show last August who wanted some snacks for the long ride home from Utah. Go figure!

Thanks for the great review guys! We definitely appreciate!

Click here to read the review!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Skijoring with the Pooch

Besides snow, winter brings a bit of a hiccup to anyone's outdoor, dog-exercising agenda. While summer is packed with hiking and camping trips, cold temperatures and sparse daylight seem to put a damper on outside plans with the pooch. And while backcountry skiing, snowboarding and snowshoeing are three great options to give those peakwaggers a little fresh air and exercise, those who live away from the mountains have to get a bit more creative. That's where skijoring comes into play.

Since a dog, as we all know, naturally pulls on its leash when going for a walk, skijoring essentially takes that concept and applies it to cross-country skiing. By tying a dog (or two) to a harness, you can get a little cross-country skiing in while giving your dogs a few hours of exercise. And although the sport traditionally utilizes a Nordic center or cross-country skiing course, any large park, high school track or football field can be used, provided that it's covered by a good layer of snow.

So, for dog owners looking to mix up the usual running or walking routine, check out skijoring. We've tried it, and it's tons of fun. Just make sure your dog runs in a straight line; it's pretty easy to topple over if your pooch suddenly takes off.

(Photo courtesy of