Friday, August 26, 2011

A Q&A with Deb Lynn Foote

Besides a Peakwaggers Facebook fan, Deb Lynn Foote has been the director of the Animal Emergency Management Program of Colorado for the last two years. We were lucky to speak with her for a few minutes about animal evacuation and how dog owners can be more prepared.

What are some of the challenges to rescuing animals during a natural disaster?

"In both the evacuation and the sheltering you are dealing with animals that have an additional level of stress. They can be more challenging, more fearful and some can become more aggressive. You don't know anything about the animals you are dealing with...its very complex."

What was the worst disaster you've seen with regards to animal rescue?

"I didn't see it, but I would say that the most challenging one was after the Windsor tornado up in Weld County a couple years ago. That was really challenging because you were dealing with animals that were injured or were loose because their homes were destroyed. It made it really difficult for the rescuers, too, because the structures that they were dealing with were compromised."

What recommendations can you give dog owners so that they can ensure their pet's safety during a disaster?

"The biggest thing is preparedness, that they evacuate their dogs or they arrange for their neighbors to do it. Sometimes with wildfires, for example, evacuation notices come up quickly and people may not be at home and able to evacuate their dog. All of my neighbors know to grab mine if I am not at home. Hurricanes, on the contrary, are easier because you have plenty of notice. The key is to not leave them behind."

For more information on pet evacuation and ensuring the safety of your dog during a natural disaster, click here.

(Photo courtesy of Deb Lynn Foote)

Friday, August 19, 2011

The Momentum Keeps Going!

It has only been two weeks since the OR show, but man have things been moving here at the Peakwaggers headquarters!

We've been slammed filling orders and receiving orders, as well as contacting retailers from the show to have them carry our products. This last show - our second ever - went above and beyond our expectations; we're busier than we had anticipated!

Now, you can find Peakwaggers products carried in three new outlets: Bud Lilly's Trout Shop in West Yellowstone, MT, The Spotted Dog in Salt Lake City, UT, and The Gear House, an online store. Not to mention, we got another awesome write up from our friends at, who gave props to D-FA Dogs (awesome company) as well.

The momentum just keeps on going! We can't wait!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Our First Winner: Arabella!

The first month of our "Is Your Dog a Peakwagger?" Facebook contest has come and gone, and the winner is Arabella Brown!

According to her owner, Silka, Arabella's favorite activity - besides peak bagging (wagging) - is swimming. Of course, Devil's Kettle Falls in Judge C.R. Magney State Park, where the photo was taken, was raging a bit too much for her liking.

Congratulations Arabella! You are our first honorary Peak Wagger!

For those who did not win, do not fret because there are still two more months of the contest. So, tell your friends, like our Facebook page and submit those photos!

Friday, August 5, 2011

PeakWaggers at the OR Show

It has only been one day at the OR show and things have been going quite well. We've already received several orders, have spoken to numerous retail outlets throughout the nation and have been approached by a few different sales reps. In a nutshell, PeakWaggers is growing and expanding throughout the nation.

The best part about the show, however, is the company/booth camaraderie. Last year, our location at the show was in a random spot, next to companies that make survival/first aid kits and do-it-yourself beer brewing kits (Mitch at Mr. Beer is awesome!). This year, we are located right next to Zuke's dog treats, and right behind Stunt Puppy and D-fa Dogs. Due to this, we've all been talking each other up to anyone who stops by, encouraging them to check out the other dog-related booths and thus, help grow the outdoor dog industry. It has been a great time.

Plus, with Momo as our mascot, people can't seem to pass our booth without petting her and grabbing a free sample of our jerky. Especially since she sits down in the middle of the walkway.